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Mar 9, 2023

The Tennis Racket

Professionalism. It’s something that athletes are universally expected to have, no matter what their mood is and no matter how their opponent plays. That’s why when a player falters and has an outburst, they are scrutinized. However, it seems that that scrutiny is pointed at some more than others. Take Alexander Bublik for instance. In…

Mar 31, 2022

Racialized Empathy

With everything that has been going on in the past 2 years, there has been tragedy after tragedy. All these things going on have caused people to hold the time-tested belief that in times of great tragedy and turmoil, people are able to showcase the best of themselves, able to empathize with their fellow man.…

Feb 3, 2022

The Importance of Black Journalism

Journalism is often called the voice of the people but how can that be so when the people reporting and creating the stories aren’t an accurate representation of the world? According to a study done by the American Society of News Editors in 2018 about 7.22% of all newsroom employees, full-time and part-time, were Black…

Mar 20, 2021

Wassapened This Week: Mar 13th- 19th

Authors note: These are events that happened this week that I chose to highlight. These are in no way everything everyone needs to know. I highly encourage everyone to read the news themselves, from reliable sources, to develop their own opinions. My opinions have been italicized. With that being said all opinions stated in this article…

Jul 1, 2020

How to Be an Ally at NC State

In the past few months, Black Lives Matter has gained a huge amount of support across the country. People are finally recognizing the nature of our society. Movements like these cannot afford to lose momentum. This is more than just recognizing racism. As a non-Black person, it’s your responsibility to actively oppose it. This means…

Jun 4, 2020

Is School Our Safe Zone?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.2.2″] Content Warning: Racial Slurs, both pictures and audio  Racism, racism, racism, the most used word in the times that we’re in. The most abused word. And now it is prominent in the walls of our university, once again.  Andrew Bailey, an incoming first-year, posted many racial comments towards Black people on…

"It's Okay to be White" flyers located in a Nubian Message and Technician newsstand.

Nov 14, 2019

White Supremacist Flyers Sweep Campus Once Again

On Nov. 1, flyers with the statement “It’s Okay To Be White” were placed in Nubian Message and Technician newsstands around campus.

Nov 14, 2019

A Look Back at NC State’s History of Failing Black Students

Liya Tewelde | Correspondent Recent events at NC State have reaffirmed long-standing, race-related issues on campus. From white supremacist flyers posted on Nubian Message stands proclaiming “It’s Okay to Be White,” to the platform that is being provided for Turning Point USA and their featured speakers Charlie Kirk and Lara Trump. It is obvious that despite…

Kevin Moye profile

Apr 4, 2019

We Cannot Tolerate Right-Wing Extremism on Our Campus

Just as we should not stereotype Islam as the root cause of Islamic terrorism, we should not mischaracterize all right-wing ideology as the cause of all extremist terror. Instead, we should be critical of segments of any ideology that lead to extremist tendencies. As college students, we must be the most aware of what these ideologies that can manifest into.

Mar 21, 2019

Jess the Mess: Bigotry in the Black Community

Social media influencer, comedian and actress Jessica Moore—also known as Jess Hilarious—received backlash recently after posting a rant via her Instagram story that contained xenophobic comments. The comments were in reference to four men in turbans who the comedian felt threatened by while boarding a plane. Was she genuine in her apology or was she just trying to save her career?

Kevin Moye profile

Feb 28, 2019

Black Americans Still Have a Dream

The idea of the American Dream has been a long-touted hallmark of living in the United States. It is the idea of starting from nothing and ascending to an idyllic middle-class to upper-class lifestyle by working hard and being motivated. Black Americans, and black millennials, in particular, continue to buy into this optimistic mindset.

Kevin Moye profile

Feb 14, 2019

Dating While Black: How Implicit Racism Made Its Way to Online Dating

Eurocentric standards of beauty have been a hallmark of American society since the inception of our nation. Even now, these standards are continuously perpetuated in today’s age through the portrayal of beauty in the media. One of the key ways in which we get our standards of beauty, the acting industry, continues to be a white-dominated field. With the overrepresentation of white people in Hollywood, much of what we think is beautiful becomes centered on the archetypal white women in film.