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Kevin Moye profile

Jan 31, 2019

Sympathy for the Black Kids

In our society, race plays a factor in almost every aspect of our lives. Whether we acknowledge it or not, race often defines how we perceive other people. One of the ways in which this is commonly played out is through who we as a society direct our sympathy towards.

Nov 29, 2018

Staff Editorial: Self-Care Is Not Self-indulgence

Self-care has recently become the public’s automatic response to any stressor; the endless results of articles that pop up when you google “self-care” shows this. Had a bad day at work? Take a bath with a bath bomb. Overwhelmed with a project? Do a face mask! Is your calendar too full with brunch meetings and...

Kevin Moye profile

Nov 29, 2018

Race-Based Politics are Back in Vogue

Two years after the disastrous 2016 elections, America at-large is still reeling from the effects of that election. The far-right, prejudiced politics have eschewed in a familiar type of politicking across the country. It is the politics of overt racism that we have not quite seen since the 1960s.

Profile photo of Yesenia Jones

Nov 28, 2018

Practicing Self-Care with Problematic Family Members

Winter break comes with its perks. It’s the holiday season, it’s an extended break and if you celebrate Christmas, then it’s a time to give and receive gifts. One of the cons of winter break and the holiday season is that you are forced to spend time with your problematic uncles, aunties and cousins as your family comes together for this joyous time of year.

Profile photo of Shawn Fredericks

Sep 27, 2018

Why I Am Race First Instead of America First

Shawn Fredericks | Staff Writer Being black in America means existing in two modes at the same time: Black and American. As history has shown, my nationality is often at odds with my racial identity. I navigate this complexity by accepting the reality of my racial identity superseding my national identity. In other words, I choose…

Kevin Moye profile

Sep 13, 2018

Racism Denial: A Lesson in Gaslighting

Kevin Moye | Staff Writer In the wake of the Silent Sam controversy that took place at UNC-Chapel Hill, black students across the Triangle (and nation) have reentered a fate that is as old as racism: the denial of said racism. This denial of racism often takes shape in the form of gaslighting. Psychology Today…