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Randy Woodson

Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible

Jan 14, 2021

To NCSU Administration: Your Disregard For Human Life Is Simply Irresponsible.

CW: Death, COVID-19 NC State Administration: You have less than 48 hours to fix your shit before students return to on-campus housing. Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible.    We are tired of begging you to care about the wellbeing of your students, faculty, and staff so this will be brief.    Last semester,…

Jun 29, 2020

A Call For Protection: A Letter From Student Senate President And Graduate Student Association

[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″][et_pb_row _builder_version=”3.0.47″ background_size=”initial” background_position=”top_left” background_repeat=”repeat”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ _builder_version=”3.0.47″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.2.2″] Student Senate President Coleman Simpson and Graduate Student Association President Lexie Malico have collaborated with the graduate student body to release a statement detailing concerns faced by graduate students and demands for the University to accomplish. These include: creating a task force to address…

Jun 26, 2020

Q&A with Chancellor Randy Woodson

On Friday, Jun. 11, we were able to sit down with Chancellor Randy Woodson to discuss recent events such as the petitions, students making racial comments, the Free Expression Tunnel, COVID-19 plans, and much more. Nubian Message: Have you seen the recent petitions? How do you and your administration plan on addressing and prioritizing their…

Oct 24, 2016

Town Hall Offers Little Healing to Students of Color

Kenton Gibbs| Staff Writer Due to the screenshot scandal and the response, or lack thereof, the town hall was seen as a pivotal moment for race relations on this campus. Student Government’s Racial Climate Town Hall took place Thursday, Sept. 29. The town hall was held in the Stewart Theatre and it brought out a…

Oct 19, 2016

Students Air Grievances About Racial Tensions to Officials

Stephanie Tate| Editor-in-Chief On Sep 29, 2016 students, faculty, sta and administrators alike gathered in Stew- art eatre for the second Racial Climate Town Hall. e town hall was planned by Student Government’s University A airs Chair Soraya Russell and is a part of a series of town halls planned by Russell and her committee…

Aug 13, 2014

A Word From the Head of the Pack

Chancellor Woodson talks diversity & more Chris Hart-Williams | Editor-in-Chief @CHartWilliams NUBIAN MESSAGE: What advice would you give an incoming N.C. State student? CHANCELLOR WOODSON: I think that the most critical advice is that this is a big place. I think the most critical thing for freshman is to try to find sort of their niche.…

Jan 16, 2013

Chancellor Rewarded For “Extraordinary Success”, AACC Library Still in Distress

DeErricka Green | Managing Editor  Members of the Technician staff are not the only students with raised eyebrows. On Monday, Technician published an editorial discussing the UNC Board of Governors’ approval of a 14.6 percent raise for Chancellor Randy Woodson. This decision increased his salary to $495,000 per year – $63,000 more than he was…