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Sep 2, 2021

NC State WolfAlert Madness

WolfAlerts have been advertised as NC State’s Emergency Notification System. The system was developed to inform students, faculty and staff about emergencies, crises, crimes and other activities defined by the Clery Act.  Yet time and time again, the University has shown that WolfAlerts are nothing but a ploy to make parents and incoming students feel comfortable…

Sep 2, 2021

How many cases is too many? When will we pack it up again?

We’ve had 338 COVID-19 cases since Aug. 1. As of Aug. 31 there are currently 44 students on campus in isolation and quarantine. There are 625 students in isolation and quarantine off-campus.  This comes as no surprise, considering the history that NC State has with their lackluster COVID containment protocols. The first three weeks of classes…

Mar 14, 2021

Staff Editorial: It’s Not Really Giving. Nubian Message Will Not Be Endorsing Either Ticket For SBP/SBVP

Nubian Message acknowledges the importance of NC State’s Student Government Elections.  As a newspaper, we were founded with the intention of supporting, advocating, and assisting the underrepresented students within our campus community. Since November 30, 1992, our commitment has been to these students.  With that being said, the Nubian Message Staff will not be endorsing either…

Aug 3, 2020

How To Know Which Mask Is Right For You And How To Make Effective Masks

Masks have become the new normal ever since coronavirus cases have risen to the highest of heights in the US. It has been the one thing that has been proven to help lessen the chances of people contracting the virus in public places. Some people may think all face masks protect you from contracting the…