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staff editorial

Nov 29, 2018

Staff Editorial: Self-Care Is Not Self-indulgence

Self-care has recently become the public’s automatic response to any stressor; the endless results of articles that pop up when you google “self-care” shows this. Had a bad day at work? Take a bath with a bath bomb. Overwhelmed with a project? Do a face mask! Is your calendar too full with brunch meetings and...

Feb 15, 2018

Why Is Black History Month So Important at a PWI?

The staff of the Nubian Message answers a very important question to all of us: not only why Black History Month is necessary, but why it’s especially important on a campus like NC State, a predominately white institution. Yesenia Jones, Staff Writer: Attending a PWI can often be exhausting. Students of color are constantly subjected to…

Mar 2, 2017

Staff Editorial: The Nubian Message endorses Gonzalez and Connell for SBP & SBVP

Nubian Staff The Nubian staff is proud to endorse Jackie Gonzalez and Mia Connell for Student Body President and Vice President. Both have a strong background within Student Government and are committed to making positive changes at NC State. Jackie Gonzalez is studying political science and serves as a College of Humanities and Social Science student…

Oct 28, 2016

STAFF EDITORIAL: Your Vote is Your Voice

  Nubian Message Staff Why We Can’t Wait For many of us and our readers, this is the first time we will have a voice in how this country is run. According to the Pew Research Center, the 2008 General Election saw the highest voter turnouts for African-Americans at 65.2 percent, up from 60 percent…