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Sep 2, 2021

NC State WolfAlert Madness

WolfAlerts have been advertised as NC State’s Emergency Notification System. The system was developed to inform students, faculty and staff about emergencies, crises, crimes and other activities defined by the Clery Act.  Yet time and time again, the University has shown that WolfAlerts are nothing but a ploy to make parents and incoming students feel comfortable…

Sep 2, 2021

How many cases is too many? When will we pack it up again?

We’ve had 338 COVID-19 cases since Aug. 1. As of Aug. 31 there are currently 44 students on campus in isolation and quarantine. There are 625 students in isolation and quarantine off-campus.  This comes as no surprise, considering the history that NC State has with their lackluster COVID containment protocols. The first three weeks of classes…

Campus Tips Preview Collage

Aug 9, 2021

Navigating College Life at NC State

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″ fullwidth=”off” specialty=”off”][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.2.2″] With our return to campus this semester, Nubian Message was able to talk to a few upperclassmen and graduate students to get some tips and tricks on how to navigate campus and collegiate life as a student of color. [/et_pb_text][et_pb_slider _builder_version=”3.2.2″ use_background_color_gradient=”on” text_orientation=”right” header_level=”h4″ body_text_align=”justify” border_width_all=”1px” border_color_all=”#fcfcfc” background_color_gradient_start=”#000000″ background_color_gradient_end=”#ffffff”…

Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible

Jan 14, 2021

To NCSU Administration: Your Disregard For Human Life Is Simply Irresponsible.

CW: Death, COVID-19 NC State Administration: You have less than 48 hours to fix your shit before students return to on-campus housing. Your disregard for human life is simply irresponsible.    We are tired of begging you to care about the wellbeing of your students, faculty, and staff so this will be brief.    Last semester,…

Jun 4, 2020

Is School Our Safe Zone?

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.2.2″] Content Warning: Racial Slurs, both pictures and audio  Racism, racism, racism, the most used word in the times that we’re in. The most abused word. And now it is prominent in the walls of our university, once again.  Andrew Bailey, an incoming first-year, posted many racial comments towards Black people on…

Nov 1, 2017

Conversation on Food Insecurity and Homelessness at NC State

Yesenia Jones | Correspondent On Friday, Oct. 27, students and staff gathered in Talley Ballroom to discuss the complex issues of food insecurity and homelessness over upcycled appetizers catered by RAVE. Some of the appetizers included apple and carrot latkes made from reclaimed apples from the farmers market and carrot peels from on campus kitchens. The…