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Trayvon Martin

Feb 10, 2014

George Zimmerman Profits From Pain, Again

  Devonte Keith | Staff Writer In early February, George Zimmerman signed a contract with a celebrity-boxing promoter to appear in a televised fight. Zimmerman, who gained national attention during the Trayvon Martin murder case, signed the contract with fight promoter Damon Feldman agreeing to take on any contender who stepped up to the mat.…

Oct 30, 2013

Culture Is Not a Costume, and Neither is an Unarmed Teen

Taari Coleman | Staff Writer  There is nothing new about people using other people’s culture as costumes, especially Halloween costumes. Black people in particular have had their culture mocked for decades as members of other racial and ethnic groups often dawn black face as a part of their Halloween attire. This year however, two Florida…

Oct 15, 2013

The Hoodie is Irrelevant

The Real Reason Trayvon Martin is Dead  Chris Hart-Williams | Staff Writer Was Trayvon Martin aware that unlike any other group, African-American males are burdened with facing prejudice that leads to racial profiling? Nothing could have prepared the teenager for the night he would experience after being followed by George Zimmerman. There are several questions that loom…

Oct 15, 2013


Taari Coleman | Staff Writer George Zimmerman is a man who needs no introduction. Since the verdict of his infamous trial against the state of Florida, Zimmerman’s life has taken many fascinating turns. On July 13, 2013, the former neighborhood watch coordinator was acquitted of both the murder and manslaughter charges he was convicted of in 2012. Four…

Oct 15, 2013

Lost in Translation

Bilal Butt | Correspondent   On June 26, Rachel Jeantel took to the witness stand in the trial of George Zimmerman. Though it was Zimmerman who was on trial for the killing of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, at times it seemed as if 19-year-old Jeantel was the one being tried for murder. The key witness for the…

Aug 21, 2013

Summer 2013 Review

Moral Monday  DeErricka Green | Managing Editor More than 600 protestors have been arrested for civil disobedience in the “Moral Monday” events since they began on April 29. Almost every Monday since its beginning, hundreds of protestors have gathered at the North Carolina General Assembly in downtown Raleigh to combat legislative cuts to unemployment benefits, healthcare…