Funding Requests

(Note, this funding request section is for groups that are not IRC-affiliated Hall/Area Councils)

Funding requests should be submitted 1 month prior to the event/program the funding is to be used for. IRC reserves the right to deny your request if submitted later.

Please see the steps below for submitting a request. You MUST be logged in with your Gmail account to view/submit any of the documents/forms.

  1. Submit the PAAC Request Form. Please read the External Process document for PAAC before signing or submitting the request form.
  2. Submit an anticipated itemized budget per the External Process for PAAC. Make this budget as detailed as possible.  Email it to  as soon as possible.
  3. Expect a reply the following Thursday regarding whether or not you have submitted all the correct paperwork.
  4. After you receive confirmation that you are approved to present, please email your presentation to  no later than 24 hours before your scheduled PAAC meeting.
  5. Present your funding request to the Programming and Advocacy Allocations Committee (PAAC). The presentation should be as detailed as possible and should include the overview of the event, budget, and the number of participants, etc.
    1. The committee meets during the IRC General Assembly Meetings (Tuesdays, 6-8pm, Governance Chamber)
  6. If approved or denied funding request, the Vice President of Business and Finance will email you no later than 24 hours and give a reason behind PAAC’s decision and the next steps in the process.
  7. After your event, you must also complete the Post-Event Evaluation Form, a finalized budget( with any added or subtracted changes to your original anticipated itemized budget), and all receipts in relation to your incentives, programs, etc. along with the Receipt Submission Form. 
    1. All of these forms are required no later than two weeks after your program. 
  8. Since IRC works on a reimbursement process, funds cannot be disbursed until all documents are submitted. If they are not, IRC reserves the right to revoke your funding. 
  9. NOTE: Only up to 50% of your event/program can be funded

If you have any further questions on the process, please contact the VP of Business and Fiance (

(Note, this funding request section is for our Hall/Area Councils and NOT external organizations; if you are not a Hall/Area council, but are interested in funding sources please reference the top of the page) 


Link for Internal Process- Funding Requests for Hall/Area Council

Presentation Template

Budget Breakdown Template