General Assembly

What are General Assemblies?

The General Assembly is the official voice of IRC.

Its goal is to address residential concerns to ensure that NC State residents are heard and to provide a clear voice to University Housing about student’s opinions on housing. The General Assembly is formed by representatives from each residential community that are voted into the position by their peers.

General Assembly meetings have agendas to handle IRC business and they typically include the following:

  • A third-party speaker from an NC State organization (Counseling Center, Wellness & Recreation, etc.). The speaker usually gives a presentation on what their organization does and after giving the presentation the assembly has the opportunity to ask questions and/or propose ideas to advocate for residents.
  • Committee Breakouts, which let General Assembly committees meet to discuss and conduct business.
  • Announcements from the Executive Board of IRC
  • An Open Floor for residents and representatives to propose new business and/or legislation.

General Assembly is open to the public and residents are highly encouraged to attend to learn more about what may be impacting their experience.


During the 2023-2024 Year, the following Committees have been formed by the IRC Executive Board:
  • President’s Roundtable (PRT)
    • Chair: IRC President (Caleb Twigg)
    • Members: Hall/Area Council Presidents
    • Focus: Work with Council Presidents, Produce/Provide Leadership Materials, Determine how to improve IRC Organization-Wide
  • Programming and Advocacy Allocations Committee (PAAC)
    • Chair: IRC VP of Business and Finance (Martin Mancera)
    • Members: Hall/Area Council Treasurers
    • Focus: Allocate Internal and External funds to Hall Councils and Student Organizations for the benefit of the Residential Student Population
  • Programming Committee
    • Chair: IRC VP of Programming (Adam Ernest)
    • Members: IRC Representatives as assigned by the IRC President
    • Focus: Plan both large and small-scale events for IRC and work with Councils in their Programming efforts 
  • Public Outreach Committee
    • Co-Chairs:
      • IRC VP of Community Affairs (Noah Champion)
      • IRC VP of Media and Marketing (Estela Garcia)
    • Members: IRC Representatives as assigned by the IRC President & Members of the Residential Student Population
    • Focus: Promote IRC through Advocacy, Outreach, and Volunteering Initiatives.
    • This is an open Committee to any student who wishes to get involved in IRC without joining a Hall Council.
Committees also give leadership development opportunities for council members and residents across NC State’s campus while also allowing these individuals to set the precedent for an organization that represents all of NC State’s on-campus students.

Schedule & Location

The first General Assembly meeting in the Fall 2023 semester will be held from 6-8pm on September 20th in the IRC Conference Room, due to space constraints this meeting will only be open to Council Presidents, Treasurers, Representatives, Advisors, and Proxies (if needed). The first General Assembly meeting open to all students will be held from 6-8pm September 26th in the Talley Governance Chamber (4140). IRC General Assembly meetings are open to all students (unless noted) and will be held every Tuesday from 6-8pm in Talley 4140. 


If you are interested in being apart of the Inter-Residence Council, please let us know! Fill out the following Google Form at and we will reach out to you about getting involved!