Our Advantage

By advertising in Roundabout, you are not only supporting the next generation of student journalists, you are making a wise decision for your business. Over 2,500 copies of Roundabout are distributed for each fall and spring issue, and over 12,000 are distributed for the orientation issue. All issues of Roundabout are circulated physically via kiosks placed across the NC State campus. 

Our orientation issue is even more far-reaching because in addition to being placed in kiosks, it is mailed directly to the homes of new students and families (both incoming freshman and transfer students). The orientation issue’s ability to reach parents as well as students and staff has made it Student Media’s single highest-grossing product.

Ad artwork is due in final form seven business days prior to the requested run date. Make sure you can submit ad artwork on time for the issue you desire by consulting our publication schedule.


*Semester issues are our fall and spring issues. Our orientation issue is published over the summer

Get in Touch

If you are interested in advertising with Roundabout or if you have questions about doing so, please email media-sales@ncsu.edu