Design Editor Application

Description: The Design Editor helps curate and establish the aesthetic vision for Roundabout Magazine. Their job is to oversee design production and layout, as well as train new graphic designers. 


  • Has knowledge of using the Adobe Creative Suite
  • Demonstrates excellence in creativity, knowledge in design principles, and attention to detail.
  • Attend weekly editorial meetings (they usually last for an hour)
  • Attend bi-weekly all-staff meetings


  • Administer spread assignments and magazine layout
  • Regularly complete spread assignments
  • Plan coverage and design with the other editors
  • Brainstorm content ideas

Staff Development:

  • Recruit and train new staff members
  • Work with the other editors to develop templates, colors and styles.
  • Lead initial design process of the publication’s style and spread
  • Work with the other editors on special projects such as the cover

Other Responsibilities:

  • Meet weekly with the Roundabout staff to assess progress and deadlines.
  • Assist in marketing, promotion and distribution of Roundabout
  • Be an example to new staff.
  • Other duties as assigned by the editor-in-chief.

To Apply:

  1. Prepare your resume
  2. Prepare a portfolio of what you consider your best design work (from any genre), including designs you’ve created for Roundabout
  3. Go to the Roundabout issue archive and pick three spreads that stand out to you. The spreads can be from multiple issues or all from the same issue.
    • Review the strengths and weaknesses of each spread and describe changes you would recommend. 
    • Write your reviews as if you were addressing the spread’s designer to their face in an actual design critique.
    • There is no length requirement for your reviews: an abundance of insight, not an abundance of words, is the goal.
  4. Email your resume, portfolio, and reviews to by 11/21 (the day before Thanksgiving break). Please copy and on the email as well. 
  5. After we review your application, we’ll schedule a brief interview (most likely over zoom or google meet)! 