
Academic and Professional Development

Helps prepare students for their professional and academic careers during college and beyond. They also aim to bridge the gap between the NC State faculty, administration, and students. Events include: Dinner with the Dean of Engineering, Faculty Lecture Series, Engineering Town Hall, and facilitates the Alumni Mentoring Program in partnership with the Engineering Foundation.

Engineering Relations

E-Relations focuses on fostering relations between the Engineers’ Council and all NC State Engineering organizations. The committee also hosts Engineers’ Week, which is a series of events that allow direct interactions among faculty, industry representatives, alumni, and students that promote a sense of community in the College of Engineering at NC State.


The internal committee focuses on building relationships among E-Council members by planning a variety of social events and activities held throughout the year, such as escape room trips, hiking, wellness, Easter egg hunts, and team retreats.

Community Engagement

Focused on service, leadership, and fundraising. They plan various fundraisers, charity events, and volunteer opportunities within the NC State community, such as STEM mentoring nights and other outreach opportunities.


They are in charge of public relations, social media, recruiting, and advertising for the Engineers’ Council. Their goal is to increase the council’s visibility to engineering students and faculty. This includes the creation and distribution of posters and all social media content.

Task Forces


Leadership manages the club meeting schedule, meeting organization, committee coordination, task force creation and delegation, and finances. Click here to learn more about our leadership team and how to contact them.

Pack the Oval Party (POP)

The Pack the Oval Party is an event held early in the fall semester each year for all engineering students and is hosted on the Oval on Centennial Campus. It is an opportunity to meet new people, as well as interact with engineering organizations interested in recruiting new members. The POP Task Force plans the event during the summer and Engineers’ Council runs the event day-of.