Recap: 2023 Resume Event

Time to enter the workforce! On September 21st, TCA held its Resume & Portfolio Workshop to help MSTCer’s and other students build up their career-hunting resources. Here is a recap of everything we discussed in case you missed anything, weren’t able to attend, or simply need a refresher!

What was covered in the Resume & Portfolio Workshop?

This event was a short workshop where students brought their resumes, cover letters, and portfolios to prepare them for job and internship applications. We discussed ways in which wording affects the readability of resumes, portfolio necessities, how formatting affects efficiency, LinkedIn networking strategies, and what students can do to beat word-scanning algorithms.

Our guest speaker, Dr. McMullin, also gave a fantastic presentation on successful resume and portfolio writing techniques that help students stand out on job applications.

How can I make my resume stronger?

We’re glad you asked! Here are some resources you can use for your next resume, cover letter, or portfolio update (our many thanks to Dr. McMullin):

TCA Resume Workshop – Presentation (2023)

Cover Letter Outline

Resume and Job Ad Analysis

Professional Identity Source Document/Skills Inventory

Will there be another workshop?

TBD. BUT, we’re always happy to help. We invite you to reach out to our board members for information regarding TCA events or other inquiries.