Dear fellow doctoral students,I am a PhD student here in the College of Education and am writing to seek your participation in my dissertation research study. The title is: “Towards supporting student success: Exploring doctoral students’ experiences with impostor phenomenon at a tier-one research institution.” The goal of this dissertation research is to better understand how universities can better support students through their doctoral studies.Eligibilities: To participate in this research, you must be 1) non-traditional student in doctoral program at NC State; 2) are 30 years old or older and at least have some work experience prior to the start of your doctoral program; 3) must be in the doctoral program for at least two semesters; 4) must NOT be a doctoral student in the College of Education at NC State.Follow this link to the Survey:
Take the SurveyOr copy and paste the URL below into your internet browser: Those who participate in the CIPS online survey, in-depth interview, and member-checking interview in this research will be entered into the drawing to win the $50 Amazon e-gift card after the research is completed.