NC State
Graduate Student Association



Register now for “Mobilizing Community Preservation,” which will take place Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 3 p.m. ET. This webinar is part of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation’s 2023 Preserve the Past, Build for the Future webinar series.

The cultural heritage of a community is a vital aspect of its identity, and its loss may have negative effects, not just for the physical environment but also for its traditions and values. It is important for community members to lead and take an active part in the preservation of their cultural heritage. Join this webinar to hear about the experiences of leaders in this area, how to encourage volunteerism, and how to get started on preserving your own community’s heritage.

Presenters will include the following:

Dorothy Canter, President of the Creating the Julius Rosenwald and Rosenwald Schools National Historical Park Campaign

Paula Mohr, Chair, National Association of Preservation Commissions

Christine Jacobs, Superintendent, San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, National Park Service

Register now:–SoG6Tb_w