
This year, the Tuition Review Advisory Committee (TRAC) [Co-Chaired by Provost Arden and Student Body President McKenzy Heavlin] has prepared a one-year plan for tuition increases for 2022-23.

Tuition Increase Recommendations for 2022-23

  • 0% for Undergraduate Residents (New Cohort) 
  • 3.5% for Undergraduate Nonresidents 
  • 0% for Graduate Residents 
  • 4.5% for Graduate Nonresidents 

The Board of Governors is only allowing tuition increased for out-of-state students. No in-state tuition increases are allowed this semester. 

The committee recommends that allocations of tuition monies be as follows:

 Allocation PercentageAllocation Amount
Need Based Financial Aid31.12%$1,703,106
Graduate Student Support Plan33.86%$1,852,880
Improve Quality and Accessibility16.75%$916,853
Faculty Promotional Increases18.27%$1,000,000

Premium Tuition Recommendations 2022-2023

The tuition review advisory committee voted to recommend premium tuition amounts for the following programs:

Master of Microbial Biotechnology

A new tuition premium of $2,000 per year effective Fall 2022.

Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

A tuition increase of $5,000 per year effective Fall 2022.

Special Fee Recommendations 2022-2023

The tuition review advisory committee voted to recommend special fee amounts for the following programs:

College of Agriculture and Life Sciences Animal and Plant Programs

A new special fee of $750 per year effective Fall 2022.

Poole College of Management Undergraduate Program

A new special fee of $2,000 per year effective Fall 2022.