
Our Past

Student Government was founded in 1921 as a student-run organization that serves as the official voice of the student body.  We attempt to better the student experience at NC State by functioning as a governing body and advocacy group.  Involved in policy-making, adjudication, programming, lobbying, community services, and countless other activities, we work alongside administrators to address student concerns. 

Legislative authority rests with the Student Senate, a 72-member body that adopts formal stances on issues of concern, allocates the Student Government budget, and investigates complex matters.  

Executive power is granted to the Student Body President, Student Body Vice President, and their Executive Cabinet. The Executive Branch advocates through action: hosting town halls, sponsoring programming events (e.g., Respect the Pack), and leading initiatives.

The Treasury Branch, under the direction of the Student Body Treasurer, works hand-in-hand with every unit of Student Government to ensure monetary success to support Student Government’s goals and fiscal responsibility with student fees.

The Board of Elections works as an objective body in which elections can fairly be processed. The Board of Elections enforces the Elections Handbook, sustains voter turnout, ensures voter verification and holds hearings on violations during elections.


Founded and funded by students, the NC State University Student Government encourages students to express their concerns and ideas, promotes an environment of open discourse and academic excellence, and proactively represents the student voice to the University administration and Board of Trustees through ethical and accountable public service.

Learn More

For more information on the history of student leadership at NC State, visit: