Encountering Micro-Aggressions: Everyday Life at NCSU

Interested in Theater? Interested in Social Justice? If so, join us in putting together an interactive theater production of common micro-aggressions seen on campus. We seek both performers and stage personnel for a production of Encountering Micro-Aggressions: Everyday Life at NCSU, based on NCSU student accounts. We hope to raise awareness of this issue and provide a space to work on possible solutions to make our campus community kinder and more inviting for all! Contact Holly Benton (hjbenton@ncsu.edu) or Casey Strange (clstrang@ncsu.edu) from the Sociology Dept. for more information or to volunteer! An information session and informal auditions are scheduled for April 3, 2017, from 4:30 to 7:30PM in Thompson Hall Lobby, sign up here: http://go.ncsu.edu/microaggressions