The HOWL is a weekly email from the Student Body President that every NC State students receives. Student organizations and other campus units can submit promotions to be included.
There are many ways students can engage with and join Student Government. Learn more about the elections process, how to run for a Student Senate seat, how to join the Executive Branch, and more.
Do you have questions or concerns regarding Student Government or NC State? Chat with a Student Government Official. There are multiple officials available from every Branch of Student Government to meet with.
The Student Senate is comprised of 72 students who proportionally represent each of the University’s schools and colleges. The Senate represents the student voice to the University administration and promotes the general welfare of the student body.
All student organizations receiving Appropriations funds are required to submit receipts for expenses and return any unspent Appropriations funds.
Student organizations can apply for a Student Senate Finance Committee Grant to receive funding for special projects, events, and activities.
To increase transparency between the Markert-Carreno Administration and the student body, we have created an in-depth spreadsheet that outlines each initiative the Executive Branch will be working on during the 104th Session of Student Government.
Get involved with Student Government and make a difference at NC State! There are many ways students can engage with and join Student Government.
Join now
In commemoration of SG’s centennial and to support the next 100 years of Student Government, we launched the Student Government Leadership Fund! The proceeds from this fund will help support Student Government initiatives and projects that cannot be funded by student fees.
Donate today