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Finance Committee Grants

Student Senate Finance Committee Grants provides student organizations with funding for special projects, events, and activities.

Student organizations can apply for funding through the Student Senate Finance Committee Grants process. Funding is distributed on a rolling basis between October 2023 and March 2024. The Finance Committee allocates Grant funding to student organizations for special projects or events, one-time activities, and initiatives that benefit the student body.

The Student Senate Finance Committee reviews requests at their bi-weekly committee meetings. Student organizations who submit a Grant Request must have at least one representative attend a Finance Committee meeting to present their Grant Request and answer questions from committee members.

Email Senator Parker Dunn, Finance Committee Chair, at with any questions or concerns regarding the Finance Committee Grants process.

Student Government is committed to a fair and accessible Finance Committee Grants process

NC State University is an institution composed of students that vary in backgrounds, abilities, characteristics, identities, beliefs, and affiliations.

The Finance Committee and Student Government are committed to a fair distribution of Student Government Funds to student organizations. We commit to ensuring that all student organizations are treated fairly in the deliberations of their Finance Committee Grant Request.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, Student Government will honor requests for reasonable accommodations made by individuals with disabilities. Direct accommodation requests can be sent to Senator Parker Dunn, Finance Committee Chair, at

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