Statement from the Student Body Officers in Response to the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court Decision
To the Wolfpack Community,
Last week, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the ability to regulate abortion to individual states. This is a significant decision that was felt around the country and will continue to be debated in the coming months, especially at the state level.
We understand that this decision will cause a range of emotions for many students. It is important to take a moment to prioritize your own mental health and wellbeing. We urge you to connect with communities that can support you. If you need mental health support now, or in the future, we recommend that you reach out to the NC State Counseling Center to connect with a professional. You can access their services here or contact them, any time, at (919) 515-2423. You can find additional support and help from campus resources here.
The significance of community as we return to campus cannot be understated. Campus community centers and student organizations offer the opportunity to meet and engage with fellow students around areas of interest and passion. These groups can help you become more educated, involved, and vocal about issues impacting NC State, Raleigh, and the country.
It is important to note that Student Government is a non-partisan organization, but we are far from an apolitical body. The Supreme Court’s decision opens the door to challenge many notable cases and we are committed to protecting those freedoms. As we begin the academic year, know that we will be working hard to protect all of our students’ rights.
You can join the effort by participating in Student Government, by working on government related initiatives, and by casting your vote in local, state, and federal elections.
McKenzy Heavlin Student Body President | Timothy Reid Student Body Vice President |
Miles Calzini Student Senate President | Harrison Andrews Student Body Treasurer |
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